Due to the lack of grid connection to the majority of the remote communities, the only option is to generate electricity locally. These remote communities are isolated and scattered across vast distances. Some communities are not accessible by year-round road and can be reached only by aircraft, seasonal roads or, in some case by barge, or winter road.
Diesel generation is currently the prime source of electricity within these communities, but sometimes they operate run-of-the-river mini-hydroelectric generating facilities or windmills. Diesel generators are able supply these communities with a reliable constant power source around the clock that other sources such as wind or solar cannot due to their variable output. Diesel generators do have their consequences, operating costs and complexities, carbon pollution and reliance on imported diesel fuel.
Battery Energy Storage Systems are becoming financially feasible and many remote communities have started incorporating microgrid based energy systems relying mostly on renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. BESS will create an energy buffer allowing for excess off peak generation to be stored and used during times when renewable generation can not be relied on. Diesel electricity generation can also supplement and assist in providing the sometimes required additional boos. A well designed system would automatically optimize electricity generation from the perspective of demand, cost, availability, performance and most importantly, safety.
We, at ProWatts Energy, recognize challenges remote communities have and is committed building strong and long lasting relationships. We offer access to solutions based on latest technologies and customized to the specific needs of the community. We prefer to stay engaged on a long term but we can step back and let the community take control, and for that we provide training. In most cases, our grants specialists will make all effort to secure government subsidies to secure additional funding and helping projects become financially feasible.
Contact us for an introductory meeting and let us show what we can do for you.